Here are some fun quizzes you can take, that we made up ourselves!

*Get a pen and paper ready!


What Kind Of Friend Are You?

1. Your best friend calls you crying, just as you're about to go out; what do you do?

A. Spend 20 minutes comforting her over the phone and promise to call her later.

B. Drop everything and rush over and give her a shoulder to cry on

C. Tell your mom to tell her that you're out and turn off you cell just in case

2.You've arranged to go to the movies with your best friend, but then a cool and popular girl asks you to her party. Do you...

A. Ask her if you can bring your friend along too?

B. Tell her you'd love to go but you already have plans? She might invite you again next time

C. Ditch your friend without a thought and get ready to dance the night away?

3. You're half an hour late to meet your friends. Would They...

A. Call you to find out what's happened?

B. Send out a search party? It's not you to be late.

C. Settle down to wait at least another 15 minutes? You're never on time!

4. You've borrowed a really cool top from your friend. When would you give it back?

A. A week or two later

B. The very next day, ironed and washed

C. Never, you would keep it so long that she's forgotten about it

5. It's your best friend's birthday. What do you do?

A. Buy her a gift certificate from her favourite store and call her and sing "Happy Birthday" over the phone

B. Surprise her with a bag she always wanted and give her a hand made card

C. Remember at the last minute and pick a random card at the convenience store



If you got....

Mostly As

You're a well balanced bud. You're always there when your friends need you and you try not to let them down. But you understand sometimes you have to say no to some things and your friends respect you for that. They know they can depend on you and stand by you when it really counts.

Mostly Bs

You're a faithful friend who'd stick by your friends no matter what. Whether they need help, some confident boosting you're there for them 24/7. It's cool to be so loyal and supportive, just make sure there's time for yourself too!

Mostly Cs

You're a fair-weather friend who'll hang around when the goin is good, but when there's a crisis, you'd run for cover. So don't be surprised if you're friends wont trust you with a secret or keep a promise. If you keep letting them down, they'll find someone else to turn to when they need help.

